Formation Code |
Formation Meaning |
000EXRV |
Extrusive Rocks |
000IRSV |
Intrusive Rocks |
050QUAL |
Quaternary Alluvium in Valleys |
100QBAS |
Quaternary basalt |
110ALVM |
Quaternary Alluvium |
110AVMB |
Alluvium, Bolson Deposits and Other Surface Deposits |
110BLSN |
Bolson Fill |
110NTGU |
Naha and Tsegi Alluvium Deposits, undifferentiated |
110PTODC |
Pediment, Terrace and Other Deposits of Gravel, Sand and Caliche |
111MCCR |
McCathys Basalt Flow |
112ANCH |
Upper Santa Fe Group, Ancha Formation (QTa) |
112CURB |
Cuerbio Basalt |
112LAMA |
Lama Formation (QTl, QTbh) and other mountain front alluvial fans |
112LAMAb |
Lama Fm (QTl, QTbh) between Servilleta Basalts |
112LGUN |
Laguna Basalt Flow |
112QTBF |
Quaternary-Tertiary basin fill (not in valleys) |
112QTBFlac |
Quaternary-Tertiary basin fill, lacustrian-playa lithofacies |
112QTBFpd |
Quaternary-Tertiary basin fill, distal piedmont lithofacies |
112QTBFppm |
Quaternary-Tertiary basin fill, proximal and medial piedmont lithofacies |
112SNTF |
Santa Fe Group, undivided |
112SNTFA |
Upper Santa Fe Group, axial facies |
Upper SantaFe Group, Loma Barbon member of Arroyo Ojito Formatin |
112SNTFP |
Upper Santa Fe Group, piedmont facies |
112TRTO |
Tuerto Gravels (QTt) |
120DTIL |
Datil Formation |
120ELRT |
El Rito Formation |
120IRSV |
Tertiary Intrusives |
120SBLC |
Sierra Blanca Volcanics, undivided |
120SRVB |
Tertiary Servilletta Basalts (Tsb) |
120SRVBf |
Tertiary Servilletta Basalts, fractured (Tsbf) |
120TSBV_Lower |
Tertiary Sierra Blanca area lower volcanic unit (Hog Pen Fm) |
120TSBV_Upper |
Tertiary Sierra Blanca area upper volcanic unit (above Hog Pen Fm) |
121CHMT |
Chamita Formation (Tc) |
121CHMTv |
Chamita Fm, Vallito member (Tcv) |
121CHMTvs |
Chamita Fm, sandy Vallito member (Tcvs) |
121OGLL |
Ogallala Formation |
121PUYEF |
Puye Conglomerate, Fanglomerate Member |
121TSUQ |
Tesuque Formation, undifferentiated unit |
121TSUQa |
Tesuque Fm lithosome A (Tta) |
121TSUQacu |
Tesuque Fm (upper), Cuarteles member lithosome A (Ttacu) |
121TSUQacuf |
Tesuque Fm (upper), fine-grained Cuarteles member lithosome A (Ttacuf) |
121TSUQaml |
Tesuque Fm lower-middle lithosome A (Ttaml) |
121TSUQb |
Tesuque Fm lithosome B (Ttb) |
121TSUQbfl |
Tesuque Fm lower lithosome B, basin-floor deposits (Ttbfl) |
121TSUQbfm |
Tesuque Fm middle lithosome B, basin-floor deposits (Ttbfm) |
121TSUQbp |
Tesuque Fm lithosome B, Pojoaque member (Ttbp) |
121TSUQce |
Tesuque Fm, Cejita member (Ttce) |
121TSUQe |
Tesuque Fm lithosome E (Tte) |
121TSUQs |
Tesuque Fm lithosome S (Tts) |
121TSUQsa |
Tesuque Fm lateral gradation lithosomes S and A (Ttsag) |
121TSUQsc |
Tesuque Fm coarse-grained lithosome S (Ttsc) |
121TSUQsf |
Tesuque Fm, fine-grained lithosome S (Ttsf) |
122CHOC |
Chamita and Ojo Caliente interlayered (Ttoc) |
122CRTO |
Chama El Rito Formation (Tesuque member, Ttc) |
122OJOC |
Ojo Caliente Formation (Tesuque member, Tto) |
122PICR |
Picuris Tuff |
122PPTS |
Popotosa Formation |
122SNTFP |
Lower Santa Fe Group, piedmont facies |
Datil Group ignimbrites and lavas and Spears Group, interbedded |
123DTMGandbas |
Datil and Mogollon Group andesite, basaltic andesite, and basalt flows |
123DTMGign |
Datil and Mogollon Group ignimbrites |
123DTMGrhydac |
Datil and Mogollon Group rhyolite and dacite flows |
123ESPN |
T Espinaso Formation (Te) |
123GLST |
T Galisteo Formation |
123PICS |
T Picuris Formation (Tp) |
123PICSc |
T Picuris Formation, basal conglomerate (Tpc) |
123PICSl |
T lower Picuris Formation (Tpl) |
123SPRSDTMGlava |
Spears Group and Datil-Mogollon intermediate-mafic lavas, interbedded |
123SPRSlower |
Spears Group, lower part; tuffaceous, gravelly debris and mud flows |
123SPRSmid_uppe |
Spears Group, middle-upper part; excludes Dog Spring Formation |
124BACA |
Baca Formation |
124CBMN |
Cub Mountain Formation |
124LLVS |
Llaves Member of San Jose Formation |
124PSCN |
Poison Canyon Formation |
124RGIN |
Regina Member of San Jose Formation |
124SNJS |
San Jose Formation |
124TPCS |
TapicitosMember of San Jose Formation |
125NCMN |
Nacimiento Formation |
125NCMNS |
Nacimiento Formation, Sandy Shale Facies |
125RTON |
Raton Formation |
Caldera Floor bedrock S. of San Agustin Plains. Mostly DTILSPRS & Paleo. |
180TKSCC_Upper |
Tertiary-Cretaceous, Sanders Canyon, Cub Mtn. and upper Crevasse Canyon Fm |
180TKTR |
Tertiary-Cretaceous-Triassic, Baca, Crevasse Cyn, Gallup, Mancos, Dakota, T |
210CRCS |
Cretaceous System, undivided |
210GLUPC_Lower |
K Gallup Sandstone and lower Crevasse Canyon Fm |
210HOSTD |
K Hosta Dalton |
210MCDK |
K Mancos/Dakota undivided |
210MNCS |
Mancos Shale, undivided |
210MNCSL |
K Lower Mancos |
210MNCSU |
K Upper Mancos |
211CLFHV |
Cliff House Sandstone, includes La Ventana Tongues in NW Sandoval Co. |
211CRLL |
Carlile Shale |
211CRVC |
Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group |
211DKOT |
Dakota Sandstone or Formation |
211DLCO |
Dilco Coal Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group |
211DLTN |
Dalton Sandstone Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group |
211FRHS |
Fort Hays Limestone Member of Niobrara Formation |
211FRLD |
Fruitland Formation |
211FRMG |
Farmington Sandstone Member of Kirtland Shale |
211GBSNC |
Gibson Coal Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group |
211GLLG |
Gallego Sandstone Member of Gallup Sandstone |
211GLLP |
Gallup Sandstone |
211GRRG |
Greenhorn and Graneros Formations |
211GRRS |
Graneros Shale |
211HOST |
Hosta Tongue of Point Lookout Sandstone of Mesaverde Group |
211KRLD |
Kirtland Shale |
211LWIS |
Lewis Shale |
211MENF |
Menefee Formation |
211MENFU |
K Upper Menefee (above Harmon Sandstone) |
211MVRD |
Mesaverde Group |
211OJAM |
Ojo Alamo Sandstone |
211PCCF |
Pictured Cliffs Sandstone |
211PIRR |
Pierre Shale |
211PNLK |
Point Lookout Sandstone |
211SMKH |
Smoky Hill Marl Member |
211TLLS |
Twowells Sandstone Lentil of Pike of Dakota Sandstone |
212KTRP |
K Dakota Sandstone, Moenkopi Fm, Artesia Group |
217PRGR |
Purgatoire Formation |
220ENRD |
Entrada Sandstone |
220JURC |
Jurassic undivided |
220NAVJ |
Navajo Sandstone |
221BLFF |
Bluff Sandstone of Morrison Formation |
221CSPG |
Cow Springs Sandstone of Morrison Formation |
221ERADU |
Entrada Sandstone of San Rafael Group, Upper |
221MRSN |
Morrison Formation |
Brushy Basin Member of Morrison |
Jackpile Sandstone Member of Morrison |
Recapture Shale Member of Morrison |
Westwater Canyon Member of Morrison |
221SLWS |
Salt Wash Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation |
221SMVL |
Summerville Formation of San Rafael Group |
221TDLT |
J Todilto |
221WSRC |
Westwater Canyon Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation |
221ZUNIS |
Zuni Sandstone |
231AGZC |
Tr Agua Zarca |
231AGZCU |
Tr Upper Agua Zarca |
231CHNL |
Chinle Formation |
231CORR |
Correo Sandstone Member of Chinle Formation |
231DCKM |
Dockum Group |
231PFDF |
Tr Petrified Forest |
231PFDFL |
Tr Lower Petrified Forest (below middle sandstone) |
231PFDFM |
Tr Middle Petrified Forest sandstone |
231PFDFU |
Tr Upper Petrified Forest (above middle sandstone) |
231RCKP |
Rock Point Member of Wingate Sandstone |
231SNRS |
Santa Rosa Sandstone |
231SNSL |
Sonsela Sandstone Bed of Petrified Forest Member of Chinle Formation |
231SRMP |
Shinarump Member of Chinle Formation |
231WNGT |
Wingate Sandstone |
260SNAN |
P San Andres |
260SNAN_lower |
Lower San Andres Formation |
261SNGL |
P San Andres - Glorieta Sandstone in Rio Bonito member |
300YESO |
P Yeso |
300YESO_lower |
Lower Yeso Formation |
300YESO_upper |
Upper Yeso Formation |
310ABO |
P Abo |
310DCLL |
De Chelly Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation |
310GLOR |
Glorieta Sandstone Member of San Andres Formation (of Manzano Group) |
310MBLC |
Meseta Blanca Sandstone Member of Yeso Formation |
310TRRS |
Torres Member of Yeso Formation |
310YESO |
Yeso Formation |
310YESOG |
Yeso Formation, Manzono Group |
312CSTL |
Castile Formation |
312RSLR |
Rustler Formation |
313ARTS |
Artesia Group |
313BLCN |
Bell Canyon Formation |
313BRUC |
Brushy Canyon Formation of Delaware Mountain Group |
313CKBF |
Chalk Bluff Formation |
313CLBD |
Carlsbad Limestone |
313CPTN |
Capitan Limestone |
313GDLP |
Guadalupian Series |
313GOSP |
Goat Seep Dolomite |
313SADG |
San Andres Limestone and Glorieta Sandstone |
313SADR |
San Andres Limestone, undivided |
313TNSL |
Tansill Formation |
313YATS |
Yates Formation, Guadalupe Group |
315LABR |
P Laborcita (Bursum) |
Alamosa Creek and San Agustin Plains area - Yeso and Abo Formations |
318ABO |
P Abo |
318BSPG |
Bone Spring Limestone |
318JOYT |
Joyita Sandstone Member of Yeso Formation |
318YESO |
Yeso Formation |
319BRSM |
Bursum Formation and Equivalent Rocks |
320HLDR |
Penn Holder |
320PENN |
Pennsylvanian undivided |
320SNDI |
Sandia Formation |
321SGDC |
Sangre de Cristo Formation |
322BEMN |
Penn Beeman |
325GBLR |
Penn Gobbler |
325MDER |
Madera Limestone, undivided |
325MDERL |
Penn Lower Madera |
325MDERU |
Penn Upper Madera |
325SAND |
Penn Sandia |
326MGDL |
Magdalena Group |
340EPRS |
Espiritu Santo Formation |
350PZBA |
Alamosa Creek and San Agustin Plains area - Paleozoic strata beneath Abo Fm |
350PZBB |
Tul Basin area - Paleozoic strata below Bursum Fm |
400EMBD |
Embudo Granite (undifferentiated PreCambrian near Santa Fe) |
400PCMB |
Precambrian Erathem |
400PREC |
undifferentiated PreCambrian crystalline rocks (X) |
400PRECintr |
PreCambrian crystalline rocks and local Tertiary intrusives |
400PRST |
Priest Granite |
400TUSS |
Tusas Granite |
410PRCG |
PreCambrian granite (Xg) |
410PRCGf |
PreCambrian granite, fractured (Xgf) |
410PRCQ |
PreCambrian quartzite (Xq) |
410PRCQf |
PreCambrian quartzite, fractured (Xqf) |
121GILA |
Gila Conglomerate (group) |
312DYLK |
Dewey Lake Redbeds |
120WMVL |
Wimsattville Formation |
313GRBG |
Grayburg Formation of Artesia Group |
318ABOL |
Abo Sandstone (Lower Tongue) |
318ABOU |
Abo Sandstone (Upper Tongue) |
112SNTFU |
Santa Fe Group, Upper Part |
310FRNR |
Forty-Niner Member of Rustler Formation |
312OCHO |
Ochoan Series |
313AZOT |
Azotea Tongue of Seven Rivers Formation |
313QUEN |
Queen Formation |
319HUCO |
Hueco Limestone |
313SVRV |
Seven Rivers Formation |
313CABD |
Carlsbad Group |
320GRMS |
Gray Mesa Member of Madera Formation |
211CLRDH |
Colorado Shale |
120BRLM |
Bearwallow Mountain Andesite |
122RUBO |
Rubio Peak Formation |
313SADRL |
San Andres Limestone, Lower Cherty Member |
313SADRU |
San Andres Limestone, Upper Clastic Member |
313BRNL |
Bernal Formation of Artesia Group |
318CPDR |
Chupadera Formation |
121BDHC |
Bidahochi Formation |
313SADY |
San Andres Limestone and Yeso Formation, undivided |
221SRFLL |
San Rafael Group, Lower Part |
221BLUF |
Bluff Sandstone of Morrison Formation |
221COSP |
Cow Springs Sandstone of Morrison Formation |
317ABYS |
Abo and Yeso, undifferentiated |
221BRSB |
Brushy Basin Shale Member of Morrison Formation |
310SYDR |
San Ysidro Member of Yeso Formation |
400SDVL |
Sandoval Granite |
221SRFL |
San Rafael Group |
310SGRC |
Sangre de Cristo Formation |
231TCVS |
Tecovas Formation of Dockum Group |
211DCRS |
D-Cross Tongue of Mancos Shale of Mesaverde Group |
211ALSN |
Allison Member of Menefee Formation of Mesaverde Group |
211LVNN |
La Ventana Tongue of Cliff House Sandstone |
211MORD |
Madrid Formation |
210PRMD |
Pyramid Shale |
124ANMS |
Animas Formation |
211NBRR |
Niobrara Formation |
111ALVM |
Holocene Alluvium |
122SNTFL |
Santa Fe Group, Lower Part |
111CPLN |
Capulin Basalts |
120CRSN |
Carson Conflomerate |
111CRMS |
Covered/Reclaimed Mine Spoil |
111CRMSA |
Covered/Reclaimed Mine Spoil and Ash |
111SPOL |
Spoil |
110TURT |
Tuerto Gravel of Santa Fe Group |
221RCPR |
Recapture Shale Member of Morrison Formation |
320BLNG |
Bullington Member of Magdalena Formation |
112ANCHsr |
Upper Santa Fe Group, Ancha Formation & ancestral Santa Fe river deposits |
121TSUQae |
Tesuque Fm Lithosomes A and E |
230TRSC |
Triassic undifferentiated |
122TSUQdx |
Tesuque Fm, Dixon member (Ttd) |
123PICSu |
T upper Picuris Formation (Tpu) |
123PICSm |
T middle Picuris Formation (Tpm) |
123PICSmc |
T middle conglomerate Picuris Formation (Tpmc) |
120VBVC |
Tertiary volcanic breccia/volcaniclastic conglomerate |
120VCSS |
Tertiary volcaniclastic sandstone |
124DMDT |
Diamond Tail Formation |
325ALMT |
Penn Alamitos Formation |
400SAND |
Sandia Granite |
318VCPK |
Victorio Peak Limestone |
318BSVP |
Bone Spring and Victorio Peak Limestones |
100ALVM |
Alluvium |
310PRMN |
Permian System |
110AVPS |
Alluvium and Permian System |
313CRCX |
Capitan Reef Complex and Associated Limestones |
112SLBL |
Salt Bolson |
112SBCRC |
Salt Bolson and Capitan Reef Complex |
313CRDM |
Capitan Reef Complex - Delaware Mountain Group |
112SBDM |
Salt Bolson and Delaware Mountain Group |
120BLSN |
Bolson Deposits |
112SBCR |
Salt Bolson and Cretaceous Rocks |
112HCBL |
Hueco Bolson |
120IVIG |
Intrusive Rocks |
112RLBL |
Red Light Draw Bolson |
112EFBL |
Eagle Flat Bolson |
112GRBL |
Green River Bolson |
123SAND |
Sanders Canyon Formation |
210MRNH |
Moreno Hill Formation |
320ALMT |
Alamito Shale |
313DLRM |
Delaware Mountain Group |
300PLZC |
Paleozoic Erathem |
122SPRS |
Spears Member of Datil Formation |
110AVTV |
Alluvium and Tertiary Volcanics |
313DMBS |
Delaware Mountain Group - Bone Spring Limestone |
120ERSV |
Tertiary extrusives |